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Our Story

It all began with a muffin.

I, Isabel (iszi) McPartlin, had this idea for a "muffinery". I wanted to make all kinds of muffins: sweet, savory, healthy, not healthy, some even topped with frosting (ie cupcakes) lol.  ;). So... my husband bought me a bakery in 2018. 


It was too big for just me as a muffin maker, so I decided to open it up as a shared use commercial kitchen. It was unique to the BCS area at that time.  


It was a rough start for a multitude of reasons.  Then 2020 hit and we actually got busier as people were displaced from their original kitchens.  Let's just say... I have learned a lot in the past few years.  After unsuccessfully trying to sell the building I have decided to take it back.  This time, with me in mind.  This time and with a gift from my parents,  it would be what I always dreamed it could be.  A place to build community, a place to support local artisans, a place that is dynamic, cozy, and eclectic like me.  


Welcome to my world! My husband calls it "isziland".  I call it La Bougainvillea Kitchen & Lounge or "La Boug" for short.  Like the bougainvillea plant, people might say "Ya. She's kinda pretty, but she'll stab you if touch her the wrong way". lol ;) 


Buen Provecho y salud!  

Isabel "Iszi" McPartlin
Venue in Bryan, TX

For love of food

& the people

it brings together.

Cooking Class Creations
Bougainvillea Flower
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